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How Do You Bring Out The Very Best in Your Introverted Colleagues?

Apr 2012

Watch the TED talk- Susan Cain: The power of introverts.

In her book Quiet Susan talks about how to bring out the best in Introverts and not force fit 1/2 to 1/3 of your team into the world run by extroverts where they are less comfortable.

Much of what she says makes great sense.
There is a significant enhancement that she needs and that is to make use of Nancy Kline’s “Thinking Environment”. This is where people work as thinking Partners which develops far more creativity than leaving people on their own to get on with being creative.
Neuroscience research highlights that when such a partner listens without interruption then the thinker can develop their finest most creative thinking.

Good luck thinking without interruption
Warm Regards

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